Today's awesomosity comes from a good friend of mine and his wife. Michael Sharp, aka Tommy Bahama, and his wife Lauren Sharp invited me to their home for dinner last night. Well, actually, Michael and I have been trying to get together to smoke cigars for a month or more, but both have some pretty ridiculous schedules. Last night, the stars were aligned and we smoked cigars.
Michael called me in the afternoon to see if I wanted to also eat some dinner with them, they were having pot roast. I, knowing that Lauren is an incredible cook, said, "Absolutely!"
So, we had some pot roast and mashed potatoes and corn and it was all delicious. But then, just when it couldn't get any better, Lauren sets this in front of me:

And (I know its a bad picture) just what is that you ask? Single serving peach crisp, I reply. And, yes, it is as delicious as it sounds. I told Lauren that this was a fantastic idea. She said she made a crisp at one point, but doubled the topping recipe, so now all she has to do is microwave some fruit, put on the topping and ice cream, and there you go. Genius. She also told me it is healthy, since she used low fat ice cream and some other stuff. I tend not to pay too much attention when someone tells me the deliciousness I am eating is healthy, it might ruin it.
Then, Lauren went to Aldi and Michael and I lit up the cigars we spent 10 minutes picking out. They were good. We also had some coffee. Don't believe me? Well, check this out:

HA! Like I would lie to you anyway. Come on.
Michael and I sat enjoying our cigars talking about life and stuff for an hour or more. Which is the official awesomeosity for the day. Smoking cigars and talking about life with a good friend. There's really nothing better than that. For a while, we were doing this quite regularly, but the summer has backed us off a little, being busy and hot and whatnot.
Michael also told me a great idea for the blog, which I shall try to implement in some fashion at some point, we'll see if I can figure out a good way. His idea is to award "awesome points" for people that have done that awesomosity before. So, if you have smoked a cigar with a friend recently, 1 point. If you own a Llywelyns cup, 1 point. If you voted, 1 point. I think you get the idea. Any idea on how to pull it off?
I leave you with my picture of the day, comparing it to the best thing I have ever been called when I have a mustache, Ed Rooney, the principal from Ferris Bueller. What do you think? Similarity?
So wanna know why my first comment was deleted?
I accidentally wrote "anniversity" rather than anniversary! Hahaa! I was the reason why spellcheck was created...
SOOO. Happy anniversary friend!
Glad you had some fabulous dinner to celbrate!
and I meant it. :)
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