Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 171


For any of you that have checked this blog today (and so far, there has been 9 of you, roughly), you may have notice some weird goings on randomly throughout the day. Well, now you know why, because today's awesomosity is what is now at the top of this here web page.

For the not so observant, direct your eyes to the bluish / blackish thing at the top of the page that says in yellow letters "A little Awesomosity for your day." That is the flash header I made for the site! I have been working on it for the past day and a half or so, mixed in with more "actual" work (and this will help, teaching myself Adobe After Effects). I actually got started looking into this trying to create a loopable (a favorite new word, say it with me . . . LOOPABLE) background for my church, which I will create soon enough.

In this process, all sorts of really awesome ideas are coming into my head about creating titles and such for videos we create. So, picture with me, if you will, say a news guy, standing on the street telling you just how cold it is on that street. The first time you see him, you may also see a title come up in the lower third of the screen with his name and title on it. Now, imagine the background of that title looking really cool, maybe even with some motion to it. Awesome, no?

But, there is still a lot of work to do on that idea, as well as this header. I am not sure what you are seeing at the moment, but there is supposed to be some motion involved in this header. I shall continue to fix this issue, but I can't give it much more effort. Still, it looks pretty cool, huh?

See ya'll tomorrow, have a great weekend!!!

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