Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 168

Highway 40/64 is open from 270 to 170, and it is awesome!!

I got a chance to drive it this morning, and I was very impressed. I am not sure it is worth the price tag and inconvenience, but it is seriously awesome. Here are some pictures I took driving it this morning.

I know these pictures don't really do a great job of showing off our expensive new highway, but I can tell you that you need to drive it. Some of the highlights include: 4 super-wide lanes everywhere, improved and extended on and off ramps, very classy signs identifying the roads of the overpasses, clear and not cluttered highway signs, and much, much more for you and your family to enjoy this holiday season.

But seriously, it is quite awesome. And I really can't wait for the rest of it to be finished by December 31, 2009. Not because I want to drive the new 40, but because I really want my old 44 back.

Check out the status of the whole project at www.thenewi64.org

Task o' The Day: What is your favorite road to drive, and why? It could be scenic, fun to drive fast, most efficient, best way around traffic, or any other number of reasons. Just let me know.

Vote on the new poll. Molly is awesome. I will probably try one more new layout since I have yet to have a clear winner in the layout contest, but really, you should all just sign up for the email blast thingy. It's awesome.

Here I am "chilling out" (get it?!?! It's cold!!) on the new 40 this morning. Have a great day, I'm going to the Blues game with my good friend Gina (it's her first game!!).

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