Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 169

While there are always many awesome things to talk about on here, I have to pick just one. In the running today are two main things. One is going to your first ever hockey game, as my friend Gina did last night. Definitely awesome, and I think she thought so too. The other option is a new t-shirt I just got. Oh, wait, it's not a tshirt at all, but in fact, pants for my torso. Yes, I got it off of, which I have written about before. Sorry Gina, but I think the pants are going to win today. Let me tell you why.

First, here is the pair of torso pants I bought that arrived yesterday:

Yes, it is a picture of Jesus reenacting a classic scene from Say Anything. Here is that scene (like you've never seen it. Ok, I just saw it for the first time last week, but seriously)

So, the pants themselves are quite awesome, but also awesome is what else TorsoPants included with my order. A "Quality, Customizable, Genuine Fake ID Kit". Here is the picture of that:

Yes, it is very awesome.

I have also made an executive decision without a poll (hey, this is my blog, I can do what I want, right?). I am no longer going to put a Task o' The Day everyday. It will be a more special event than a regular feature. Of course, if my public cries out in disgust, I may reevaluate, but until then, the ToTD will be truly special and awesome, and not everyday.

Here I am wearing my beautiful new pants for my torso. Have a fantastic day!

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