Sunday, December 14, 2008

Day 166

So, today is a great day to be awesome. Why? Because today ends in Y. Yes, that means that EVERY day is a great day to be awesome. Whether or not it is is entirely up to you.

Today's awesomeness started a few weeks ago, when several people told me that our Jr. High at church was selling t-shirts to raise some money for Christmas presents for a missionary family in Morocco (I think Morocco, at least). When I heard what the t-shirt said, I immediately replied, "I'll take two!!". Well, the shirts came in today. So, I immediately (yes, at church, though I did duck behind a screen) changed shirts into officially the awesomest shirt I now own (and when it wears out, I have a backup!)

Well, you're asking, what does it say? Simple. On the front it says "Great Day to be Awesome." On the back it just says "AWESOME".

This got me to thinking. This would be a perfect shirt for the ol' blog. So, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it.

Task o' The Day: Let me know if you want a t-shirt. It will say "Great Day to be Awesome" on the front, and have this here website on the back. I'll make it on any color you want, though I think the green looks pretty good. I'll even ship it to you, if you happen to live outside of St. Louis. Now, I can't afford to pay for these, but I will charge the same that our Jr. High charged, $15. Anything extra besides the cost will go to a local charity (let me know if you have a favorite). Now, go make today Awesome!

Fine, fine, here I am wearing said Awesome shirt.

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