Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 79

A little bit of today's awesomosity actually happened today, if you are a get technical type of person. You see, I went to a benefit last night (I didn't know it was a benefit until I got there, but that doesn't really matter, now does it?). I went because my friend Jeff's band was playing. They rock.

Today's awesomeness is his band, Goldtooth. When you ask them what type of music it is, they answer, "loud". I agree. So, I am good friends with the singer, and the bass player rents the downstairs apartment from me, but I still think they are good.

Goldtooth at The Trade (Chouteau and Grand)

A few other local bands worth checking out:

Fundamental Elements - My friend Joe (all you need is joe) is the guitar player. I defy you to describe this band in 6 words or less. They are totally awesome.

Jon Hardy & The Public - I was in a Bible Study with the bass player in high school. I saw them and was blown away. Very cool music.

One Lone Car - I saw these guys at a new music spotlight with Goldtooth (then Gordo). I really like their poppy style of music. I think they have been signed and are on the way to making it big.

I totally recommend checking out all these bands if you get a minute. In fact, that is too easy of an Awesome Challenge, see a local band, double points if it is one of these bands. I'll even make it easier on you, Jon Hardy is playing at the Bluebird (near SLU) on Thursday the 25th. I would like to go, all I wanna know is, who's going with me. Jan. Thank you Jan. (sorry, obscure Half-baked reference) Seriously, who's up for a show next Thursday? Let me know, we'll make plans.

Here is my picture, taken on my last day of training at Llywelyn's (I did pretty good on the server tests too!).

Hopefully I'll catch a show with ya'll soon, thanks for reading. I'll talk at you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so apparently i know the lead singer of one lone car... i could have him autograph your chest if you would like.