Monday, September 15, 2008

Day 78

This is a picture of me sitting at my parents house wishing they had power. Therefore, my awesomosity of the day is elecricity.

I know, its been around for hundreds of years. Its how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids. Its how NASA faked the moon landing. It directly affected the Wright brothers first flight. It also helped Benjamin Franklin create the first printing press. Al Gore used it to create the internet and W used it to bomb Japan. Wait, maybe I've got all that wrong. I never was good at history.

The point I'm trying to make is that electricity is something we totally take for granted until its not there for us. Today it is directly affecting my effectiveness at work. Oh well.

So, for the Monster task (I'm looking for a sponsor, take note Red Bull competitors) today, try to do something you normally do with electricity without electricity. It could be as easy as opening a can with a handheld can opener or maybe have a charcoal barbecue instead of baking. Perhaps microwave something with your telepathic powers instead of the conventional method (what? You don't have telepathic powers, it just me?). Read a book by candlelight instead of a lamp. I'll let you decide.

Thanks for reading, enjoy the cool weather and come back tomorrow!

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