Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 52

52 days, I'm serious, watch out Cal Ripken Jr., I'm coming for ya!

Today's awesomosity comes from my cousin, Matt Marting Jr. You see, I have a head cold, and have for the past few days. Nothing serious, it happens, but it sucks. Turns out Matt is in Pharmacy School and has some experience with this sort of thing. He asks me what I am taking for it. I say, three things, Zicam, Vitamin C, and Aspirin. To which he replied, "Well, 2 of those aren't doing anything for you."

I said, well thats a bummer, what should I take. His reply? Lots of water. Or Gatorade, that stuff is better than most medicines on the market. Aspirin will work for your head, but the Zinc and Vitamin C aren't doing anything for you.

Apparently that stuff has to be in the right form for your body to be able to put it to use. Those forms aren't condusive to helping with a cold. Besides, I found out that Zicam makers have had their problems with lawsuits. Apparently, some people were losing their sense of smell from taking it. Their defense? The cold was causing it. $12 Million later, they are still hawking their product. Read the Safety Concerns portion of this site here. Interesting.

Either way, Aspirin is the awesomosity for the day. It always works for me on headaches, and, it turns out, there are a ton of other uses besides pain relief and stopping heart attacks. Read about them here. I mean, who knew you could get rid of perspiration stains with a little aspirin. Of course, some of the more serious possible side effects include black, bloody, or tarry stools. (Take the Bloody Stool Quiz Here! For real!)Yeah, that is a possibility. Read about those and other horrific side effects here.

But in the end, we all know and love Aspirin. Great stuff.

Before I go to the pictures, I have to say that Jim Barnard (ha ha Jim, no link today!) wondered if I was trying to look like the guy from the Shield (Michael Chiklis, who'll always be "The Commish" to me). I said that people thought I looked more like Moby. But to put Jim at ease, here is a comparison photograph with the guy from the Shield:

The guy from the Shield

Me looking not really at all like the guy from the Shield

So, what do you all think? Anyone else think I look like someone famous? I should have a new poll up sometime soon.

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!

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