Ok, on to today's awesomosity. Today's awesomeness comes from my activities last night. I know, most of my blogs have been about things I do or stuff that happens to me. That's because everything I do is awesome. Why waste time on stuff that's not awesome, thats what I say.
So, last night I went to this thing that a church called The Journey puts on called Theology at the Bottleworks. It is part of a larger outreach of their church called Midrash, which, according to their website, is a Hebrew word that roughly translated means "commentary".

So basically what they do is get a bunch of people together, hopefully from all walks of life, to discuss issues that relate to our culture. Some past topics have been on the Iraq war and other controversial topics. Some upcoming topics are things like Do guys need 6-pack abs? and How are we going to feed the world as food gets rarer and more expensive?
So last night there are about 50 people in the back room at Schlafly Bottleworks (which in itself is worthy of the awesomosity of the day). The topic was, "Are pets the new people?" You may be saying, "How is that going to lead to an interesting 2-hour discussion?" Well, it was a great discussion to say the least.
The moderator started by asking questions like "Who are cat people?" and "Who are dog people?" Then let the "cat people" describe what it means to be a "dog person", and vice versa. Fireworks started when someone said that cats are fickle, mostly women are cat people, and that people like their pets to be similar to themselves. The moderator said, "So, your saying that women are fickle?" Great stuff.
Most of the first portion of the discussion was light-hearted and fun, but later in the discussion we began talking about things like whether or not pets (or animals in general) have emotions. A fight almost broke out over that question, literally. It was very interesting to hear people's opinions and to see how people interact with those that don't necessarily share their opinion.
I walked away from the discussion wondering what I felt about pets. Now, I currently don't have any pets, but I am a "dog person" and do want a dog (as soon as I can afford it and am going to be home often enough to let it out to play). What I am wondering mostly is stuff like why do I want a pet? Is it purely a selfish thing to want some companionship? Do I want to "rescue" a dog fromt he pound to feel good about myself? Or do I just love dogs? It may not sound that interesting, but I will challenge you to go to one of these discussions (3rd Wednesday every month 7-9pm at Schlafly Bottleworks) and see for yourself if you don't leave there at least somewhat challenging your opinions of the topic.
Quickly I'll throw in the reason that I was there (with my good friend Katie from church). We are considering starting something kind of similar through our church. We don't really want to start totally from scratch, so we thought we would see how other people doing similar things do it. I'll keep you all updated on how that goes.
Before I throw in my picture of the day, I will briefly address the latest and possibly next poll. The results were a little less than overwhelming, but you all voted for me to keep the format the same. Well, actually, you all voted that I was awesome, for which I thank you, but as far as whether or not to put the awesomosity in the title, you said to leave it the same, 4-3. I will have another poll up soon, possibly on whether or not to attempt to commercialize my own blog, keep checking back!!
Here is today's picture, in which you will see I am resting comfortably on my parents couch and that the beard is coming in nicely.
CRAP!!! I didn't know there was a poll! I totally would have tied it up at 4-4, and probably would have forced Kelli to vote as well so that you would start adding the awesomeness to the title. I guess that's what I get for not paying enough attention.
BTW - I'm a big fan of the discussion idea. Let me know if I can help.
This isn't related to this post, but since I have you and Joe both here...
I wanted to let you know that Dr. Horrible's music vlog is created by the one and only Joss Whedon, who you may or may not know created the television extravaganza Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Thought you'd like to know.
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