So, here is a short summary of my life last night. I go to this meeting that I go to every Tuesday of like-minded individuals. Good stuff, always is. Anyway, I have this grand plan for after the meeting. I need gas and I have money, so I go get gas. Then I am going to go home and finish watching the Aviator, which I started like a week and a half ago (its a really long movie). I also plan on finishing the spaghetti I made the other night, even though I don't have any cheese to go on it. So I get home, its about 9:45, the plan is going great. I unlock my door and turn on the stairwell light. Click. Click. Click. Nothing. I turn on the outside light. Nothing. I am quickly realizing that I have no power. This is amazing because a few years back when St. Louis had those awful storms and hundreds of thousands of people were without power, my power never even blinked. I thought my power lines were invincible. But alas, they are not.
I know what you're thinking, and no, I have never worn biker shorts, they are too constrictive and unattractive. You're also wondering where in the world is this going, especially with that last comment. Well, I'll tell you.
So, my place is roughly 95 degrees and dark. I don't want to stay there. I decide I'm gonna hike on down (and by hike I mean drive) to Llywelyns where I work on weekends. You know, say hey to some friends and just hang out while my power (hopefully) is restored. I got to see one of my old managers who got moved to the West End location (I work in Soulard). She says the West End sucks, at least the clientelle (sp?) does. Then I go say hi to my current manager, since I haven't worked there in a few weeks (traveling all over the place). Sean (my manager) has successfully gotten me hooked on today's awesomosity:

That's right, Golden Tee Golf. Live, if possible. (I was trying to get a picture of my golfer, who has diagonal-checkered pants and a mismathcing shirt with a plaid hat, but couldn't do it) I was completely unaware of what this enterprise has become. Last night, we played a round against 48 other people around the country for prizes, with scores being updated instantly. It is ridiculous. They are having a "World Championships" with a grand prize of $100,000. Crazy, but awesome. I have become quite the fan of the "Tee" even though I am not that good yet.
So, go out and play some Tee. Once you get the hang of it, it is quite addicting and fun. Give me a call or e-mail and I will be happy to play a round with you. By the way, I shot a 13-under at Eagle Crest last night, and was bested by Sean, who shot a 20-under.
So, here's the pic o' the day, taken with a not-so-happy-to-have-my-picture-taken kitty:
congrats on day 10...may i suggest adding whatever it is that you find "awesome" to the title each day? that way it's easy to find out every day what is awesome.
so today, instead of the title being "Day 10" it would be "Day 10: Golden Tee". just a suggestion.
enjoy your search for awesome thing #11
how long can you keep this up??
i hope, forever!
...haha what's with the biker shorts tho?
btw i found ur blog randomly and enjoy hearing about what you find awesome
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