For an awesomosity today, how about a couple of quick things. One, here is a picture that was in the digital RFT today, and I saw it thanks to Molly's GChat message. Awesome:

Yes, this is written in the "Ballpark Village" hole in the ground. In snow. Very awesome.
Another thing that is awesome is another free Google service. Let me paint a picture for you. Purely hypothetical. You are driving around looking for a Radio Shack so you can buy a Firewire (ieee1394) 4-pin to 6-pin connector so you can digitize footage from a recent mission trip to Haiti you took. As I said, purely hypothetical. So, you know there is a Radio Shack somehwere near your house, you seem to drive by it all the time. But you want to get home as soon as you can without driving all over to look for it. So, you look up Radio Shack on Google on your not iPhone, but Radio Shack doesn't have a mobile friendly site, so you can't search for locations. What are you to do? Call Information? No, that costs too much money. Get out the Yellow Pages you keep under the passenger seat? Not while you're driving. Call Google's free 411 service? Why not give it a shot?
So, you call 1.800.GOOG.411 (1.800.466.4411). You hear an automated operator ask you what you would like to find. You say, "Radio Shack" He says, ok, what city? You say, Saint Louis. Then he lists the 10 closest Radio Shacks. At any point you can say things like, More Information, Details, Connect me, etc. So, you find the one on Hampton, which is close to your hypothetical house, but you're not sure where on Hampton it is. Simply say, Details and it gives you the address. Still don't know where it is? Say Connect, and soon a friendly Radio Shack employee is on the line giving you directions to their lovely store so you can find the overpriced cable you need to work on your video project. How much did all this cost you? Just some minutes from your plan. That's it. How awesome is that? I bet you could even get movie listings from GOOG411. It's like doing a Google search with an automated operator listing it all for you. And the automated operator can actually understand you. And its free. How could it be more awesome?
I hope you all have a terrific day. Talk to you tomorrow!

1 comment:
Thanks for posting that about the google info#, I was unaware of this service!
I am in love with and now, may just have to marry google!!!
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