My name is Molly and I am very honored that Ben had asked me to choose the Awesomosity of the day today. I picked the video below because- well, it’s awesome! It is from the documentary "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", directed by Mark Johnson and Jonathan Walls. Playing for Change is an organization with the goal of connecting music and art schools around the world to promote unity. They were featured on Bill Moyer, click here to see it (but warning- it’s over 10min long!).
Anyway here is the video-
I just love when I find some kind of music, video, art etc that inspires me to be more positive and hopeful…. Bringing us to, Task-O-The Day: Stop and listen to some really good music, then share it with a friend. It’s easy enough to do and pretty awesome!
Here I am at work- getting TONS of things done…. Like this blog!

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