Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 179

Today is a great day to be awesome. I mean everyday is, but I'm wearing that shirt again. I would still make them for distribution, but I need more than two people to sign up. But I digress.

Road trips are always awesome. What is not good about getting in a car with a couple buddies and driving for a few hours to hang out with some other friends for a few hours? Nothing, that's what's not awesome (did you follow that whole double and triple negative chain?).

So were getting close to Champaign, Illinois where my buddy Jim lives. He's got a little event/party thing going on, so Aaron, Ian and I decided to make the three hour drive. I spent most of the drive up finishing up the video for church tomorrow, which I would still like to polish some, but its totally passable now. We've also been listening to some gangsta-ish rap and stuff, which is not awesome, but not too bad.

So, next time you have a chance, or just a free Saturday, get in a car aand drive a while with friends, its awesome.

Have a fabulous evening!

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