Thursday, December 25, 2008

Day 176

As I take a break from wrapping my presents (yes, I am wrapping presents at midnight on Christmas Eve, I mean, I just bought them all yesterday! Merry Christmas!) I came across a service that I could have use had I been a little better prepared. I give you "Crap Wrap"

That's right, none of my loved ones would have been the wiser, had I used this service. If you are too lazy to watch the video but want to know the story, here is a link. Basically, this website,, has started offrering a service where they specifically wrap presents to make it look like a man did it. Uneven cuts, packing tape instead of clear tape, and just generally mashed together. They even use tacky paper. Awesome.

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

every gift I got from my brothers and boyfriend looked just like that.

Merry Christmas!