Here is today's awesomosity:

And, what is that you ask? It's Chlorophyll! That's right, your favorite makin' plants green chemical! But, of course, chlorophyll is not really the awesomosity of the day. Really it's that lack of chlorophyll that is awesome. In other words, fantastic colors on trees. And they won't be here for long, so you better get lookin while the lookin's good.
Well, first off, apparently chlorophyll is pretty awesome, or else it wouldn't be the Chemical of the Week, now would it?
Another thing you didn't know is that chef's use chlorophyll to dye stuff green, such as pasta. They have to mix it with oil first though, since it's not soluble in water. You can read about that and more here.
And that's not all! There are some Amazing Claims about chlorophyll, including that when taken in a pill orally, it can help with hereditary gum disease. Huh! Who knew?
Task o' The Day: Go look at some leaves and take a pretty picture. Then send me a link or post it up somewheres.
Anyway, here is a picture of me trying to get some pretty fall colors from my folks backyard.

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