So, if any of you follow my twitter, you probably already know what I did today, which was totally awesome and today's winner, but first, I will tell you the runner up, which was my activities last night.
Many of you are aware that I am playing on a 25 and up men's baseball league this year. If you didn't know, you do now. I have been pitching (and was woefully unprepared, just ask my elbow). I have also caught and played shortstop (I know, whoda thunk it?). My team is 2-14. We rock. Most of our games have been losses by more than 12-15 runs, which are no fun. But last night, no, last night we truly made a game of it.
We were down 4-2 in the 4th when one of our more powerful hitters hit a 3-run jack, prompting his wife who was in the stands to stand and scream, "That's my husband!". Totally awesome.
I personally had a good night at the plate with a walk, an RBI (my first of the year, I suck at hitting) single, and a sac bunt to put the tying run on second in the last inning. I also played passable defense at short, with just one error.
That was awesome, but what beat it? Golf. Golf is always awesome. Always.
Today we (myself, Alvan Sage from EmbroidMe, and Harold Long with AAA insurance) played The Missouri Bluffs, a beautiful course just off 40 between the Boone bridge and 94. It was a little pricey, but totally worth it. Here, take a look at the 13th (sorry my phone's camera sucks):

I know it's hard to tell, but the fairway is down probably 100 yards on this gorgeous par 5 (I think I parred this hole). This really is a beautiful course.
The most awesome thing of the day was my score though. For the first time ever, I shot under 100. I got a 99 (I didn't say far under 100). I was quite proud of myself. If it weren't for a few totally shanked shots, I would have done much better.
So that's awesome today. I encourage you to go play golf sometime soon. There are plenty of reasonably priced ($20-$30) public courses around, and if you aren't really into the whole "playing 18 holes" thing, go to a driving range, they will even let you borrow clubs if necessary. If that is too much work, go play miniature golf, that is also a ton of fun.
I will be happy to do any of these things with you (including throwing a baseball around), just let me know if you're interested.
Thanks for reading, don't neglect those Google ads, I'm up to $8.01 so far, almost 10% to actually money in my pocket. Here is my picture, taken from that beautiful 13th hole.

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