I apologize for the kind of weak blog yesterday, it was a long week and very busy day for me. As you can see, I did get the pictures up (it happened at like 3am this morning, don't ask how or why {cause I don't know}).
So, the end of my day last night was at Llywelyns. I really like working there. It is fun and most everyone that works there is cool. Most of the customers are pretty cool also. There's always a few jerks, but where are you not going to find that?
When I arrived around 6pm, I was about 10 minutes after the pre-game rush, so it was pretty dead. Slowly through the night it started picking up some steam. The late bartender (one comes in at 4 and one at 8) didn't really want to work, and we were kinda slow. I mean, there were people there, but not enough to warrant both bartenders plus me. Around 11 we let her go, then it was just Sean and I. It is a ton of fun (and I'm sure quite entertaining to the customers) to have two fairly large men working behind a not hugely large bar. Well, about 20 minutes after Sara (late bartender) left (and by left, I mean went to the back bar to drink with other employess that were hanging out on their night off) we got pretty well slammed. Both Sean and I were straight busy from about 11 until 1 when we stop serving. It took us over 2 hours to clean it all up, but in the end it was well worth it.
I also ran into a few girls I recognized from high school who are friends with the band we had playing, Willis (as in"What you talkin' about"). Willis is one of our favorties for a few reasons. They play good music, they play it well, they bring people out, and their fans are generally good people. Their friends don't necessarily break down the door in a rush to leave when we close, but there's worse things.
Why am I going in to all this detail you ask? Well, it leads me to the awesomosity for today. Llywelyn's souvenier cups.
20 oz. of plastic goodness. They are a very handy size and somewhat stylish. (By the way, if you want some, come see me any Friday or Saturday, or just let me know, I have 15-20 at home). What made me turn a plastic cup into the awesomeness for today? Well, I'm glad you asked.
You see, when we were closing last night, I'm just minding my own business, doing dishes, when a nice looking young lady named Shay came up to me. She asked if there was any way she could have one of these special cups. I said I would see what I could do. I got her a cup (what, did you expect me to really not give her one?). A few minutes later, she came to me and explained that her friend also wanted a cup. Then I got here 3 more and explained that now they each had a pair of cups. Do you want to know what her reply was?
She said, "Ben, you are awesome!" I decided then and there that the Llywelyn's cups were destined to be today's awesomosity. (Shay also kissed my cheek and wrote "I (heart) Ben" on a napkin).
So, there you have it, plastic cups are awesome.
And yes, we toast ravioli here (actually its usually fried). Keep up unique St. Louis (not quite the same ring as "unique New York", but it works) food stuffs comments. Vote (primaries are this Tuesday). Click on ads (I'm up to $4.25!!)
Here is me enjoying some water from an awesome cup:
Enjoy your Sunday!
how much for one of those cups?!
they are free gavin. do I know you?
I already have lly cups! Yes! Does this mean my awesome ranking is plus 1?
yes Tommy, you are plus one so far on the awesome schedule. So is Gavin and JacobiTheGreat for consistently reading and commenting.
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