I'm not even gonna skirt around the issue today, voting is the obvious awesomosity. It's what makes our country special, and I feel privileged to be able to cast my vote every time I do. And I do every chance I get. I mean, I vote in the school board elections.
There are a few things that are especially awesome about today's election that I wanted to mention. First, my vote for Sheriff. I don't know if it was for the city or not, so some of you may not get to vote on the issue, but I voted for Ken Griffey. How could I not, seriously? Anytime you see a famous baseball player's name on a ballot, vote for it, thats my rule.
The second thing that was awesome about voting today was that I voted electronically. I have done that before, but that doesn't make it any less awesome. What was different was that I voted on the Democratic ticket. That was a first. My reason for this was that most of the Republican candidates are running unopposed and I got a lot of democratic mailers, so I wanted to put those to good use. By that, I mean that the more mail you sent me, the less likely you are to get my vote. Rodney L. Hubbard sent me 1-3 pieces a day for the past few weeks, I was definitely not voting for him. Although, that was a tough one, because I know that he knows and loves me. How do I know? He sent me a birthday card! Some of my friends and family didn't even do that, so it was hard, but the over 20 total postcards and flyers he sent me are causing me to empty the trash more than ever, so not vote for you Rodney.
The last awesome thing is the only proposition on the ballot this time around, Prop. Y. (I don't get how they name these things, but who cares, really?) Anywho, I just love how they write these things so that no one can ever truly understand what they are voting for. I hope that doesn't make people vote no, because this thing passing would be a good thing. (Yes, I am encouraging you to vote yes on Prop. Y. Hopefully the last time I try to sway your vote.) Here is what I don't understand. These things are written by lawyers (presumably) and you would think they have a basic grasp on the English language (presumably) and understand basic grammar (presumably). Here is the proposition as it appears on the ballot (courtesy of www.urbanreviewstl.com, a cool site I found today and added to the blogroll along with my friend Kris's blog)
To comply with federal and state clean water requirements, shall The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) issue its sewer system revenue bonds in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy-five Million Dollars ($275,000,000) for the purpose of designing, constructing, improving, renovating, repairing, replacing and equipping new and existing MSD sewer facilities and system, including sewer disposal and treatment plants, sanitary and combined sanitary and stormwater sewers, and acquisition of easements and real property related thereto, the cost of operation and maintenance of said sewer system and the principal of and interest on said revenue bonds to be payable solely from the revenues derived by MSD from the operation of its sanitary sewer system, including all future extensions and improvements thereto?
Is it just me, or is that one big grammar mistake? I am pretty sure my grade school English teacher would call that a "run-on sentence". But I have only the basic grip on our language, I am sure lawyers are much better at this than I am.
So, vote today (if you haven't already), both at the polls and on the blog. Here is me right after I cast my ballot:

Have a great election day everyone!! See you tomorrow!
1 comment:
maybe you know me. but now i know you're sneaking into voting booths with camera's it makes me fear other recent elections you may have tampered with.
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