So, I went home (after stopping at Taco Bell for a high quality meal) and ate while watching episode 2 of the first season of Heroes from Netflix. Heroes isn't too bad, I guess it keeps me interested enough to watch more. But there are definitely better shows out there. I will wait until I'm through with the entire first season before I make a final judgment though. Some of my other favorites from Netflix include: Flight of the Conchords and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
So I finish my tacos and nachos along with Heroes, but I'm still pretty wide-eyed, so I turn to today's awesomosity, the writing of Stephen King. Notice Stephen King is NOT the awesomosity, but his writing is. No one else can make me turn pages like he can. It makes no difference what his stories are about, you just have to keep reading. He is an incredible storyteller.

This is the book I happened to be reading last night until about 1:30 in the morning. It is a book well grounded in reality. Same old stuff really; enchanted island, one-armed contractor turned painter whose paintings effect the real world and cause people to kill each other due to a death ship called Persephone (pronounced "Percy" for short) whose spirit lives in a ceramic doll that must be drowned in fresh water to end the nightmare, you know, the type of stuff that could happen to any of us. In the end it really makes no difference what the book is about, if Stephen King wrote it, it will keep me enthralled (except for "From a Buick 8", which I couldn't even finish).
Now I know many of you are thinking, "I'll never pick up a Stephen King book, I don't care how awesome his writing is!" Well, he has written several books that are quite entertaining and not the least bit scary. You may have seen the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Well, that started as a short story in a collection called "Different Seasons" by Stephen King. One of my absolute favorite books of his is called "The Eyes of the Dragon" which is a fairy tale almost and a great read (probably still not kosher for those of you with small children to read, but that's what Judy Blume and Dr. Seuess are for, right?) And of course, he has an epic work (7 novels totalling over 10,000 pages) called the Dark Tower Series. The first in the series, The Gunslinger, is what got me into Stephen King in the first place.
So, I hope you check out a Stephen King book at your local library sometime soon. Tell me how it goes. Check out his website here, it's actually quite a website.
Here is my picture, looking tired in the office. See you tomorrow, have a splenderiffic day!
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