Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 133

You will notice in my picture at the bottom of the post that I am holding a City of St. Louis parking ticket. This is in no way awesome. Especially since Where I parked was not a no parking zone. There was a no parking sign, but it was one with an arrow pointing to the other side of the sign than where I parked. Which led me to believe that I could park on the side of the sign that I parked on. So, in no way was this ticket awesome. Well then, you say, why are you talking about it on a blog about awesome stuff? Great question.

I mention it because there are several things that are awesome about it. First, the City of St. Louis is set up pretty great when it comes to parking tickets. They are either $10 or $25, and the fine doubles if you don't pay within 15 days. The fine triples if you dont pay within a month. It actually says on the ticket that it is "obviously in your best interest to pay this fine in a timely manner." Obviously. I am glad the City of St. Louis is looking out for MY best interests.

Another awesome thing is how you can pay. You can pay in person with cash, check, credit, or any other form of payment you can come up with. You can pay over the phone, or on the internet. They make it very easy to get them money.

Here is what is the awesomosity of the day though, the fact that you can contest the ticket, which I did this morning. This involves going to the ticket bureau and telling the nice clerk exactly why you think they were in the wrong in giving you a ticket. So, I told her, she said they would have someone investigate the site and get back to me. I just started an official City of St. Louis Parking Bureau investigation. That is way awesome. So, someone will investigate the site and let me know their findings. Then I am either off the hook, or owe them $25. If the latter, I can still go and contest the ticket further, and I suppose take it to a judge or something. I will probably just pay the $25 and be done with it, secure in the fact that I got my $25 worth out of the bureau (I love that word bureau, great word).

Task o' The Day: Share with everyone your favorite ticket or run in with the law story. If you have any tips, tricks or secrets in getting out of a ticket, share that too, that's just good info.

Here I am driving in my awesome truck with a contested parking ticket in my hand.

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!


Brent said...

I was driving next to a cop for about 5 minutes going the same speed, and all of a sudden, he slows down drastically and pulls behind me and pulls me over for going the speed he was going for 5 minutes. Is that a run-on sentence? Absolutely.

Anonymous said...

I got pulled over by a park ranger in a state park for running a stop sign. Since I worked at the park, he didn't ticket me, but spread rumors to the other employees that I cried my way out of it...I would have never given him that privilege! Besides that, I've never been pulled over (knock on wood!)