Friday, November 14, 2008

Day 137

Today is a busy and special day. It started early, got real good, then not so good, now it's awesome and should continue that way throughout the day and evening. 

For those that don't yet know, I am starting a new business with my friend Sean. We will be doing video production for websites. It is very awesome. But we need a name. Please send me any thoughts you may have as to where to head in this situation. But it's very awesome.

So, I get to Sean's place this morning to continue working on the business (the working title, and no will never be the actual name of the business is BS Video Project). While there, his girlfriend, Emily, shows me this sweet program she has on her computer. It's called Anagram Genius.

It is a Windows only program, so it's not the total coolest, but even so, on a Mac you can give it a test run. I put my name in there, and do you know what came up? Nubile he Semen. Yeah. I couldn't make that up. I tried Jim Barnard, or should I say Jar Man Bird? 

See if you can guess what regular readers are these:

I'm. Jog Cell

Aha! Reject bigot.

Inhumane, eeire lads.

Jeer Lode

Yell bloom!

Jam, 'n' OK cloth.

Ok, so that's enough. If you're name isn't anagramed above and you read regularly, I just don't like you. Just kidding, it's hard to remember everyone when you have tens of readers. 

Task o' The Day: Guess the above anagrams. Post some cool ones, either from the website on on your own.

By the way, if you subscribe via RSS, I have updated the feed (I think), in an attempt to get ads to display on the feed, though it's not working great at the moment, I'll troubleshootize it later. Anyway, here is the new (I think) feed address:

Make sure to update your reader.

Here I am at the new office, spiffed up for an interview. Wish me luck.

Thanks everybody! See ya tomorrow!

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