Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 120

So, remember last night when I said that Katie and Adrianne were awesome for sending me some ideas? And then how I said I might use them today or next week or next May? Well, it looks like its gonna happen today.

This is a Dilbert cartoon that Katie sent me the other day, describing how awesome Dilbert's invention of a "Carbicle" is. I totally agree.

In fact, not only is Dilbert the awesomosity today, but the Dilbert website is included in that. There's a ton of stuff to do. Think you can write a better punch line? Try. Wanna see some animated strips? Ok. Wanna just read a bunch of Dilberts? Do it. Some serious time wasting is ahead.

I've got a new poll out today, make sure you vote.

Task o' The Day: Write your own line to a Dilbert cartoon and post a link as a comment. Here's mine:

Ok, so here is where the strip should be, but I have tried and tried and I couldn't blow the house down. Or get the strip to work. Trust me, it's funny though. I'll post it later if I can get it to work.

Here's my picture today. GO BLUES!

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