Monday, October 27, 2008

Day 119

I kind of apologize for taking so long to get out the awesomosity today. Here's why only kind of. First off, only 7 of you read this on weekends (or 2 people 3.5 times), while 12 have checked it so far today. Therefore, most of you that checked it today were simply catching up and reading about my weekend. Well then, tomorrow, you could get a double-dose. Awesome.

Oh, and thank you so much to Katie and Adrianne for sending me some suggestions for awesomeness. I wholly approve of both of them and will use them, but I'm gonna throw them in the awesome hopper for now. Maybe they'll be here tomorrow, maybe next week, who knows.

So, what was I doing today that prohibited my release of the awesomosity until almost 9pm? I was a grip for a photographer. For those that don't know, I'll use what a great director told me as a job description for a grip. They grip cases and move them over there. This is the type of work I have done before, just never for a photographer before, always for video.

So, what is awesome today is lighting for photography. Probably the biggest difference I saw was that (at least the photgrapher I was working with, David W. Preston) when you light, the lights aren't necessarily on. Because they are flashes. So, theyh do turn on, just not when you're moving them around and stuff. Anyway, the basic goals remain the same in lighting for stills or video, but the method and equipment are totally different.

So, here is a site you can learn about how to light for video (and on a low budget too!).

Here is one about photography.

Make sure you check out Dave's site, he has a pretty impressive client list and portfolio. Like he shoots for the Rams. And we were talking about when I went to watch the Rams win and Dave was on the sideline taking picture. Awesome. Anyway, check, it, totally worth your while.

Task o' The Day: Take a picture. But not just any picture. Really compose the shot. Check your lights. Pay attention to details. What's int he foreground, background, corners of the picture. Post it up here (or at least a link to it, I wanna see it).

Here is the ol' picture of the day. It is horribly composed. It looks like I have a satellite growing out of my ear. That is one of the lights I was helping with today. Anyway, sees yas tomorrow!

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