Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 233

Awesomites! Welcome!

What a grand day. All I am doing today is editing video. That's today. Tonight includes way too many way too drunk people, then putting everything remotely breakable upstairs before a doozy of a day tomorrow. But I'm not going to think about that now, now I will be thinking of how much I enjoy editing video.

So, since I'm so busy, I'm just going to point you to an incredibly awesome blog (thanks for the link @taquida!), of which I have found nothing not awesome (did you follow the intentional double negative there?). Check out Things My Beard Can Lift!

So, here's the quick story. This guy has been growing a beard since August of 2008. Now he has a very nice facial byssus, and he has realized the immense power and resposibility that come with such a thing. So, he is raising money for a charity in Chicago that helps keep kids off the streets. Good stuff.

So every week, he raises money, then lifts something equal to 10% of how much money he raised. So far he has raised $1500, so tonight he will be lifting something 15 lbs. Last week, it was a 10 lb. Millenium Falcon model. How awesome is that.

Definitely go check out the site (you can also join his Facebook group) and see what he will lift next, donate some money, and check all the other ridiculous awesomes that are all over the site. For instance, this was posted sometime last week:

Ok everybody, back to editing video! Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Guaca-molly said...

Wow Ben, another great post, THANKS!

I really am wanting to comment on your current pole- “Who is your favorite Old Skool rapper?”. I voted for Slick Rick. I think it's important for all of your readers/voters to consider his song "Children's Story". It really is one of the all time greatest things to ever come out of the rap music scene thus making it very awesome and worthy of being voted number one...