Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 225

I've been crazy busy today, hence the late post. And I have baseball practice soon, so it'll be short too.

I just went over to my brother and sister-in-laws for dinner, where my 2-year-old niece, Lydia, told me about her big girl bed. The big girl bed she has had for a few months now. Very exciting. So exciting, its today's awesomosity. Here is a picture of Lydia on her "new" big girl bed.

Isn't she just adorable?

I remember my first big boy bed. It was a waterbed. My parents waited until I went to sleep on Christmas Eve. Then they put me in their bed, took down my old bed and put up a waterbed. So, I went to bed in a little boy bed and woke up in a big boy waterbed. I was very confused. I also had an alarm clock that ticked with the seconds. I thought my new waterbed was a bomb. For real (at least as I remember it, my family disputes this, but I know it to be true). So, I got up (I'm sure way too early) and didn't even watch the parades or anything. I just sat in front of the off TV waiting for the bomb to go off.

Do you remember your first big person bed? Tell us all about it.

Here I am awaiting the first baseball practice of the year.

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