Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 203

As you can all probably tell by the removal of my vacation voicemail message, my vacation email auto-reply, and myself blogging on my own blog, I am back in town. Hooray!!

I did think of one thing when I got back and turned my phone on for the first time in a week (it was a weird week, not having a phone at all, I felt naked) and checked my messages. I had 3 texts. Why is there no auto-reply to text messages? At least one or two of those texters could have been seriously helped by an auto-reply. Someone should invent that.

So, what is awesome today? Too much stuff to mention. I'm going to go with my house. My bed, my shower, my toilet, my lamps (I love lamp), my kitchen, my couch, my razor, and all that good stuff.

While in Haiti, I had extremely comfortable living quarters, but there is nothing quite like home. I did figure out a way to blog while I was gone, vlogging! So, now all I have to do is sort through my 6 hours of video footage to find my self-recorded video blogs, do just a very little bit of editing (to show video of what was awesome each day) and voila! I will have the awesomes from Haiti. And it was very awesome, so stay tuned for that.

By the way, thank you so much to Joe McGill, John Matlock, Katie Morgan and Molly Loeb for guest blogging. Un-thank you to Joe Elder, who stopped the consecutive streak of blogs on this site at 197. Just kidding Joe, you know I love you.

Have a fantastic day, and to prove how much I love my razor, here is a picture of what I have done with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,
It's my first time stopping by over here, though I occasionally read along with dAN when he's checking up on blogs, and I've definitely gleaned some terrific insights from your daily awesomeness-es.
Just wanted to say that I'm glad the trip to Haiti went well, and I can't wait to hear about it! Probably a bit different than that one mission trip we went on together in high school... just a little bit :)