Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 194

Today was a very special day. Today was the celebration of 4 years of life for my nephew Ahren, which is today's awesomosity.

First part of the awesome is getting personally invited via a phone call from a 4 year old, which just melts your heart.

So I get to the party. Lots of fun of course. Kids and I get along really well (probably because I'm just a big kid). Lydia showed me her new big girl bed, Ahren and I wrestled, and a good time was had by all.

The best part was that I hit the ball out of the park with the gift. Ahren is big into football, and loves the Rams (we'll fix that), so I got a Rams football. That was good. Better was that it was in a Spider-Man bag. Best was the $.97 mouthguard, which is why Ahren has his mouth open in the picture.

Happy Birthday Ahren!!!

Hope ya'll have a splendid day!

1 comment:

Brent said...

FYI, Ahren's name, if it had umlauts (two dots above the A), means "heads of grain". (Ähren)