Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 181

Great afternoon everyone! I blog to you today just before a late lunch at the office. Mmmmmm, Imo's.

Now, you may or may not notice a few newer things about the ol' blog today. One of them is the awesomosity. First, the just cool thing, not the official awesomosity. A new poll. I'm glad to hear you all want me to keep the address the same, though I may eventually buy a domain and point it here, we'll see.

The other, you may notice, is at the bottom of all my posts. A way to rate my blog. Hooray! Now, you can finally easily give me feedback about my posts. I really want to know what ya'll think, so, just use those handy stars at the bottom of the posts, we'll see how it goes.

This is a technology brought to me (and therefore, you) by outbrain. It's pretty cool. Not only does it allow you to rate it, but it will tell me statistics about it, organize a "most popular posts" widget over there on the right, and it gives you some suggestions about other blogs you might like. According to their website, they say it is kind of like Netflix or Amazon offering suggestions based upon what you have bought from them. Pretty cool, huh?

So, now, ya'll need to vote on what you think about this here post. It's easy. Just click on a star rating below. Thanks in advance. Oh, and go vote on the poll, it only takes a second.

Have a great day!!

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