Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 156

Gooooood Morning awesomes!!!

Today's awesomosity is pretty awesome, and I'll get right to it. Add-ons for Mozilla Firefox.

Obviously, part of that is that Firefox itself is pretty awesome, which it is. However (and this is becoming more fashionable for all web browsers) you can fully customize your browser with all kinds of gadgets to enhance your web experience.

I guess I should start at the beginning, for some of you that aren't all that aware. Firefox is a web browser. A web browser is the program you are using right now to read this here blog. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Netscape, and I am sure many others are examples of browsers. I prefer Firefox.

Now, about add-ons. They are awesome because you can add things to make it pretty, or functional, or funny, or whatever you want. Beware, it is really easy to get carried away with add-ons and just clog up your browser so you cant even concentrate on what you are doing. I currently have a few added to the Fu Mac Chu's version of Firefox. The most useful, and my favorite is called "Morning Coffee". What this add-on does, is allow me to tell it what websites I want to open when I turn on the computer in the morning. So, I currently have it set so that when I open my browser and push the button, it opens: Gmail,, iGoogle, Google Accounts (allows me to access all kinds o' sweetness), and my Google Calendar (Is it apparent that I love Google?).

There are all sorts of really awesome and sweet and fun ways to customize your interwebs experience, and I encourage you to check them out.

Task o' The Day: Start using Firefox and add some stuff to it. You'll be glad you did, but don't spend too much time with it, it can suck you in.

Special thanks to the 6 people that have filled out my auto-updating form from a few days back. I am working on your special surprise and I'll get it to you sometime soon.

Have a great day, GO BLUES!

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