Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 144

What is awesome today? I found out when I was at lunch today with a couple of pest guys. One of them said something about gas prices, which led to the discussion of some oil that has gone missing near Somalia. Well, gone missing isn't quite the right word. Here is the CNN headline:

Pirates take 'super tanker' toward Somalia

That's right, Pirates! You know, ARRRGH, eyepatch, pegleg, parrot on the shoulder pirates! So, obviously, the fact that there are still pirates in the world is awesome. Apparently, they can't find them because they are controlling 1.1 MILLION square miles of ocean off Mombassa. That is crazy. I am sure Redbeard is quite jealous of the advances made in piracy these days.

This, of course, gives me permission to tell a few of my favorite pirate jokes.

How do pirates know that they are pirates?
They think, therefore, they ARRRRR!

What does a Dyslexic Pirate Say?

Have you heard about the new pirate movie?
It's rated AARRRRGGH!
And you know why?
Because of all the booty!

Why did the pirate go on vacation?
He needed some ARRRGH and ARRRGH!

And of course, my favorite:

What is a pirates favorite letter?

M, oddly enough. You'd think it'd be 'R', but nope, it's M.

Task o' The Day: Give us your favorite pirate joke, or pirate story, or really, anything about pirates.

So, I was back at the folks house today, here's the proof. Have a fantastic day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ben, have I told you lately that I love you???
you're the coolest! I sit here and enjoy every bit of your life as you share it. (what you share anyhow...) ;)