Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 7

Can anyone believe I made it an entire week straight? I am rather proud of myself, I think I may have turned a corner, and quite frankly, I'm excited.

What I'm not excited about is the need for todays awesomosity. You see, I'm driving back from a great weekend in Oklahoma City, riding with my friends Sean, MC Karl and Joe Elder is driving. And by driving, I mean just going, not really paying attention to silly things like speed limits and road signs.

Joe's distaste for following directions led to our need for todays awesomeness. Google Maps. More specifically, Google Maps on Sean's phone that has some sort of locating navigation feature.

Here's how it went down. Were all just riding along, having a good time when Joe says, "I think we might be going the wrong way." we all look up to see us getting on a two-lane highway. There is a rather major road that runs from St.Louis to OK City. Its called HWY 44. Maybe you've heard of it. Major interstate that is never a 2-lane road. Pull over. Google maps. Day saved. We don't think we went that far out of the way, but I suppose we'll never know, since we don't exactly know how we got where we were.

Thank you Google Maps for mobiles. Now we are back on the right track, but there's no Starbucks in Joplin, so I guess we'll have to wait it out.

Here's todays picture, thanks for reading.

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